Sold prices in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester

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Average sold price by property type


Crime level is very high

M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester market summary

  • Value
    The average price in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester is currently £178,552. That's 37.2% lower than the national average of £284,464.
  • PSQM
    The average price per square metre is currently £1,882, which is 31.5% lower than the national average of £2,747.
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11,477 properties in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester.

210 Ashton Road, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
2 bed
November 2023 (Recent) (2 total sales) £100,000
1 Bacon Avenue, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
2 bed
November 2023 (Recent) £130,000
47 Low Wood Road, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
November 2023 (Recent) (2 total sales) £253,000
54 Acre Street, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
2 bed
November 2023 (Recent) (3 total sales) £135,000
12 Dunecroft, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
November 2023 (Recent) (4 total sales) £125,000
3 Linnet Close, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band B
2 bed
November 2023 (Recent) (2 total sales) £260,000
6 Prince Edward Avenue, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
October 2023 (Recent) (2 total sales) £160,000
29 Lake Road, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
October 2023 (Recent) (4 total sales) £145,000
4 Stanley Road, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band C
October 2023 (Recent) (3 total sales) £250,000
31 Ashfield, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
October 2023 (Recent) (4 total sales) £135,000
54 Grosvenor Street, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band B
October 2023 (Recent) (5 total sales) £212,000
46 Market Street, Manchester
Data validity partially verified
Band A
2 bed
October 2023 (Recent) (3 total sales) £137,000
1 2 3 4 5 958


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Latest sales

  1. 1. Flat 6, Belgrave Court Belgrave Street £80,000 November 2023
  2. 2. 210 Ashton Road £100,000 November 2023
  3. 3. 1 Bacon Avenue £130,000 November 2023
  4. 4. 47 Low Wood Road £253,000 November 2023
  5. 5. 54 Acre Street £135,000 November 2023

Most expensive recent sales in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester

  1. 1. 3 Linnet Close £260,000 November 2023
  2. 2. 47 Low Wood Road £253,000 November 2023
  3. 3. 54 Acre Street £135,000 November 2023
  4. 4. 1 Bacon Avenue £130,000 November 2023
  5. 5. 12 Dunecroft £125,000 November 2023

What schools are there in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester?

Nearby schools in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester include Audenshaw Primary School, Russell Scott Primary School, Aldwyn Primary School, St Anne's Primary School, Corrie Primary School

What stations are there in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester?

Nearby stations in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester include Guide Bridge Station, Fairfield Station, Denton Station, Gorton Station, Hyde North Station.

How can I get a valuation for my home?

The Mouseprice AVM provides a great estimate of what your home is worth. If you would like an free in-depth agent valuation, click here to book one.

How much does it cost to move home?

The cost of moving home in M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester for buyers is on average around £10,428 and M34, Manchester, Greater Manchester sellers can expect to pay local estate agents an average of £2,232. Get a free conveyancing quote.